Friday, July 17, 2009

Smile Friday

I realized that I have seriously been neglecting my blog. I suppose though, that's just how it goes with me. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing or getting my thoughts out. Sometimes I just want to keep them to myself and live life, rather than take the time to write about it.
And then other times, I have the urge to put those thoughts and feelings and memories onto paper (or, you know, the internet), as if that's the only way I'll be able to remember them in 50 years.

I do, however, feel like a hypocrite. I have a large-ish Google Reader list that I keep up with (almost) daily, and I find myself feeling disappointed when people don't post enough. I guess I can't really say anything, except that I really do love reading everyone's blogs and I promise to work harder at it if you will. :)

I have a few blogs that I read anonymously. Ones that I found from my "Google Reader recommendations" or just from searching around. One of my favorites of these is Molly at These Simple Moments.
I don't know her, but I kind of feel like I do. I relate to much of the what she writes about and she makes me laugh. Her blog is one that I definitely look forward to reading.

So, since yesterday was an overwhelming day of frustration and stress, I thought I would resurrect this blog with something Molly regularly does on her blog, called Smile Friday:

-Casual day at work means another day of flip flops and v-neck tees

-It's payday!

-I just found out that Jason Mraz is coming to Red Rocks!! (shhhh..don't tell anyone because I haven't bought my tickets yet!)

-While driving to work today, the sun was shining, there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky and I was smiling and singing along to the radio (loudly). I almost tricked myself into believing I am a morning person and it made me smile even more.

-There is spaghetti, leftover birthday cake and Steve waiting for me when I get home today.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Raelynn said...

'tis true. you do not blog near enough. however, i blog about nonsensical stuff, so i guess we're even.

xo xo