I'm willing to bet that at one point in your life, you've thought "How do I know I'm hearing from God?"
I strongly believe that everyone hears from Him in a different way. Some people might hear an audible voice, others might hear His voice in nature, art, music, food, anything.
I know that I personally hear Him in many of those ways. However, I would say the most frequent mode of communication is a feeling. It's hard to explain, but it's like a nagging feeling in your heart and the pit of your stomach. It's also a feeling of contentment and just knowing that a decision is right.
Yesterday I was absentmindedly browsing craigslist jobs. I came across one titled "Concierge" in the "healthcare" category. I never look in the healthcare category, mostly I just stick to the Administrative/Office type things. I'm not sure how this particular posting came up, but I clicked on it regardless. (Honestly, it was probably just because I like saying the word 'concierge'.) Basically it's a font-desk/hostess position for an assisted living center for the elderly. After reading it I thought, "I could totally do this job!" I googled the facility and found out it is brand new and literally across the street from my apartment. Browsing the website, I discovered that it seemed like a very luxurious and welcoming place. Their craigslist posting was friendly, yet professional, and I emailed it to myself--just 'cuz.
The rest of the day and night, the idea of this job was constantly in my head. I woke up and it was the first thing I thought of. I decided then that I probably needed to respond to the ad. The more I thought about it, the more excited I became.
Working in a daycare was the most enjoyable job I have ever had. I love taking care of people's loved ones and growing attached to the kids. But another part of me craves a professional environment- working on a computer and being in an office. It dawned on me that this job would be the best of both professions! I could interact with the residents, be involved with caregiving (even if it is indirectly) but I would also be in an office environment performing administrative support duties.
And most importantly, I would be involved in something that mattered. I am so tired of working for the sake of paying the bills. I long to do something that I enjoy and something that means more in the bigger picture, ya know?
Long story short, I wrote a kick-ass cover letter, tweaked my resume a tad and sent it off. About 20 minutes ago.
Am I getting my hopes up? Possibly.
But I just can't ignore the 'little voice' that wouldn't let me pass this opportunity by.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I have to go to the eye doctor today. For some reason, I am really dreading it. I haven't been since I was probably 9 years old, and I am nervous. I am not looking forward to the idea of wearing glasses again, although I desperately need them since I am practically blind at this point. I know they will make a world of difference and my headaches will go away (and I will be able to pass the vision test at the DMV...). But I don't want them!! Maybe I am more vain than I thought. I feel like they are going to totally change my appearance and they will be in the way and I am sure I will develop the habit of unconsciously using my finger to push them up on the bridge of my nose...... Mostly, I feel like I will look like a nerd. (I am a nerd, but I don't want people to know that just by looking at me!)
I am totally having a "Stephanie" moment. Where's my Steve Urkel??
I am pretty sure I will get contacts, but not right away. I have to get over the idea of touching my eye first.
Anyway, I was looking online and found some frames that were okay, I guess. Although, I have no idea what's going to look good on my face. And I'm pretty sure my selection won't be as glamorous.

These are cute, but I definitely do not like the color.
And then here are some from Juicy Couture, just cuz.

Only an hour left and I am not feeling any better. Although, this did make me smile.
I am totally having a "Stephanie" moment. Where's my Steve Urkel??
I am pretty sure I will get contacts, but not right away. I have to get over the idea of touching my eye first.
Anyway, I was looking online and found some frames that were okay, I guess. Although, I have no idea what's going to look good on my face. And I'm pretty sure my selection won't be as glamorous.
These by Baby Phat were my favorite of the ones I saw.
Then, because my sister loves hers so much, I looked at some Candies.

These are cute, but I definitely do not like the color.

Only an hour left and I am not feeling any better. Although, this did make me smile.
I have a lot of random thoughts and not sure how to make them all into one cohesive blog entry. Maybe bullet points and hyperlinks are my best option.
- I finally named my car! I wasn't really trying to name it, or even concerned with the fact that it didn't have a name. But as I was driving to work, I caught a glimpse of my car's shadow and it dawned on me: Fiona! FYI, my last car's name was Shrek, because the shadow looked like him, with the side mirrors as his ears and all. It made me laugh, so it stuck. So when I saw my new car's shadow, it still looked a little like an ogre, so....she shall henceforth be named Fiona. I like it.
- Since her single came out, I have been adamantly boycotting Lady Gaga. Everytime I heard the song on the radio, or heard her name, I immediately changed the station. It was mostly based on her ridiculous factor, plus the snippet that I'd heard of her song didn't seem like something I would enjoy. But the other day I decided to give her a chance... I listened to the song when it came on the radio, and yes, it was dumb. But it wasn't that bad. I have to admit, it's catchy. And I'm very entertained by the twang in her voice when she says "dance".
But now....EVERY SINGLE TIME I get in the car, I hear that damn song. If it wasn't annoying the first time, it's definitely annoying now. Here's hoping that she comes out with another single before the boycott is back on. - In other, slightly related news, I am totally in love with Ne-Yo. If you haven't listened to him, you really, really should. It's a little hard to admit, but my love for him is starting to rival Jason's. (I can't help it...his voice is so smooth and his dancing is so sexy! Plus, Jason is starting to get a little 'out there'. You know it's true!)
My mom went to see Ne-Yo in concert on Friday in California. I honestly don't think I've ever been so jealous of something in my entire life. And for some absurd reason, he will not be making a stop in Denver. So sad. But at least she sent me pictures and videos so I can pretend like I was there. :) - On Friday, Steve and I went to see Coraline: 3D. It was pretty good. The animation was really neat. But the story, which was by Tim Burton, was a little creepy. I definitely wouldn't take any children to this movie, unless you want them to have nightmares about psycho mommies and dolls with button eyes... Mostly, we went because it was in 3D. And we are huge 3D nerds. (as evidenced in the picture below...)

Okay, maybe we're just huge nerds. But I don't care, I love us. :)
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