- Steve had a "concert" with a band he's been practicing with (as a favor to a friend). Except he doesn't tell anyone about it because they are not good. It was a long night of gross beer, being overcrowded by Boulderites with hairy armpits and dodging the hippie dancers in a hot warehouse. Good times.
- skipped the garage sales and slept in until 11. Ran some errands, had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes (yum), and watched the end of the Nuggets game. (yay casual days!)
- got this sweater on sale:
I love it and I want to wear it every day (which has actually happened so far...)
- went with Steve to run sound for a gig for his friends, 20:12. It actually turned out to be a high school prom (HAHA). It was fun, even though I got mistaken for a student 3 times...
- went to the 11:00 service at True Light Baptist Church. It was quite the experience. We were the only ones there who, a.) were wearing jeans and b.) not African American. To make it even better, we were there on "Church Hat Sunday" and all the ladies were wearing their 'crowns'. It was fabulous. Needless to say, we stuck out like a sore thumb. However, we were warmly welcomed and really enjoyed it. We may even go back again--once we get back from vacation.
- had a wonderful "southern" lunch of Popeye's chicken. So delicious. Watched The Other Boelyn Girl (can we say 'drama'!?) and took a much-needed nap (we were cranky).
- caught up on some tv from last week (One Tree Hill and Grey's). Um, talk about tears?!
- called my mama and wished her a Happy Mother's Day
- cried my eyes out (again) over my brother leaving for the Air Force today
- stayed up way too late watching American Dad and Family Guy
It was probably the best weekend I've had in a long time. So relaxing. Plus, I just love spending time with Steve, even if we're doing nothing.
On another note, I can't believe Brandon is leaving today and that he won't be there when I visit next week. But I know this is going to be a good thing for him and he's going to do great. I can't help worrying, but I am proud of him!

Oh yes...during my last conversation with Brandon this morning, Steve interjected,
"Tell him I'll take him out to dinner if he finds Osama."
Brandon (and I) cracked up laughing. (Which was perfect timing because I was just starting to cry...)
So here's to Monday and hoping that the next 10 days go quickly. I can't wait for vacation!
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