Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Things you shouldn't say to your musician boyfriend...

I have been listening to Jason Mraz this morning in an effort to 'turn my frown upside-down'. I'd say it's working. I love going on YouTube and finding live performances--it makes me feel like I'm there. And it's especially fun when I find some from shows that I was at!
The downside to all of this is that it exacerbates (ooh..big word!) my desire/need to go to the Red Rocks show in September. I must go... even if it does cost equivalent to 115 items from the Sonic dollar menu (those tiny chicken sandwiches...yum!).

So anyway, I have asked Steve if he'd go with me. He said, "Sure!".
Then I told him how much it was.
And I got one of those looks.
I went on to babble about how it's "soooo worth it" and that it would "make my life" and that I would be willing to pay even more than that, to which he rolled his eyes.
And THEN...I made a big mistake.
"But he's my most favorite singer in the whole world!!"


He definitely now has some leverage to use against me. It's going to take a lot of work to get him to go with me and swoon over enjoy the musical stylings of Jason Mraz.

In the meantime, watch this video and tell me that doesn't make you want to buy your tickets right now.

But you better not get them til after Friday, cuz I can't get mine before then! ;)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Friday!

This totally made me smile today and I just had to share.

I would never--in a million years--do that at my wedding, but how awesome is that?!

I love how towards the end I started thinking, "hmm..I wonder if the bride knows about this" and then in she comes just like everyone else. So much fun.

Happy Weekend!

*Edit* you can go here to read about how it was actually the bride's idea!

Monday, July 20, 2009

No Worries

It's no secret that I love me some Jason Mraz. However, even I think sometimes his new Zen-hippie outlook on things can be a bit too much. But there are time when he makes total sense and encourages me to have a different perspective on things that everyone can relate to.

So, just in case you don't read Jason's blog daily (even though you totally should...), here is a snippet of his views on worrying (it's kind of long, but worth the read. trust me.):

"I waste little energy on worry. What’s there to be anxious about? Missing a flight or not making a phone payment can be an inconvenience, just as someone you know getting sick or even dying can be very unfortunate. But Worry is what happens when you take those misfortunes on and think you have control over them. You tell yourself that you are responsible in some way for these situations. Or worse, you’ve decided if the outcome isn’t pleasant, there could be even more trouble for yourself and others.

Worry is a story you tell yourself and nothing more. Sometimes we do it to over-express our care in a matter. Other times we’re looking for sympathy. We’ll even go so far as to tell all about our worries in hopes that someone else will share the responsibility with us. There are plenty of reasons we create for Worry to creep its little head in.

But the real fact is, you are responsible for nothing to begin with.

Let’s say you send some love to someone, but they don’t reciprocate the way you expected. That’s nothing to worry about. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you. Besides, if they don’t, why worry about that? If that mattered, you’d be creating that as a condition for having love in your life. Unconditional love is what we practiced when we came into this world in the first place – so it’s best we get back to being that.

Our economy-based society doesn’t make it easy for us to live worry-free lives. Somewhere between the ages of 6 and 16 we pick up all kinds of story and baggage that sit with us our whole lives. Is my job a cool job? Are my clothes cool or appropriate for this place? Do I read the right books? Do I hang with the right crowd? Whatever the answer, it’s just one interpretation of how you THINK life should be. There’s nothing in this Universe that can support the way something SHOULD be other than the honesty and your joyous reaction to it being whole.

Life itself is empty and meaningless. Truly. It’s you who give meaning to something. The world you see before you is entirely defined by your interpretation of it. Otherwise, life just is.

Some people don’t care for sports. They see the game as meaningless. Others see it as the most important activity on the planet. Some people really love fancy cars while others can go their whole lives not caring what kind of box they’re transported around in. You see what I’m saying? Go easy on yourself. Love yourself. Tell the world that [yours] is a peaceful and playful age, not a hard one, and watch it transform around you."

P.S. I seriously cannot stop thinking about his show at Red Rocks. I need to buy my tickets SOON

Friday, July 17, 2009

Smile Friday

I realized that I have seriously been neglecting my blog. I suppose though, that's just how it goes with me. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing or getting my thoughts out. Sometimes I just want to keep them to myself and live life, rather than take the time to write about it.
And then other times, I have the urge to put those thoughts and feelings and memories onto paper (or, you know, the internet), as if that's the only way I'll be able to remember them in 50 years.

I do, however, feel like a hypocrite. I have a large-ish Google Reader list that I keep up with (almost) daily, and I find myself feeling disappointed when people don't post enough. I guess I can't really say anything, except that I really do love reading everyone's blogs and I promise to work harder at it if you will. :)

I have a few blogs that I read anonymously. Ones that I found from my "Google Reader recommendations" or just from searching around. One of my favorites of these is Molly at These Simple Moments.
I don't know her, but I kind of feel like I do. I relate to much of the what she writes about and she makes me laugh. Her blog is one that I definitely look forward to reading.

So, since yesterday was an overwhelming day of frustration and stress, I thought I would resurrect this blog with something Molly regularly does on her blog, called Smile Friday:

-Casual day at work means another day of flip flops and v-neck tees

-It's payday!

-I just found out that Jason Mraz is coming to Red Rocks!! (shhhh..don't tell anyone because I haven't bought my tickets yet!)

-While driving to work today, the sun was shining, there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky and I was smiling and singing along to the radio (loudly). I almost tricked myself into believing I am a morning person and it made me smile even more.

-There is spaghetti, leftover birthday cake and Steve waiting for me when I get home today.

Happy Friday!