Raelynn tagged me, so here goes nothin:
What's your current obsession?
Red grapes. I seriously can’t get enough.
What's your weirdest obsession?
It’s not that weird, but maybe celebrity gossip.
What are you wearing today?
Jeans, a black shirt and flip flops. (I was wearing slacks, but it was free jeans week at work and I didn’t know. So I went home and changed at lunch).
Why is today special?
Hmm… the only thing that comes to mind is that cheesy quote about treating each day like it’s a gift…
What would you like to learn to do?
Play the piano.
What's for dinner today?
Lasagna and garlic bread. And perhaps some Caesar salad. But I’m not even hungry….
What's the last thing you bought?
Sonic for lunch. Mmm…this strawberry slushy was JUST what I needed.
What's your favorite weather?
fall. Crisp, cool air and the smell of autumn.
What's your most challenging goal right now?
Living life with intention… not just going through the motions and settling for less.
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
She’s like my sister. I love her!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Italy, or the beach. Or NYC, that would be kind of fun.
Favorite vacation spot?
My only ‘vacations’ have been back home to Oklahoma. Hopefully that will change in the coming year.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a cuddly puppy. I want one, please?
What would you like to get rid of?
hm...how about the miles between me and my family.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
the beach. I need to sit on a secluded island with an umbrella drink and get rid of this headache.
What's your favorite thing about the city you live in?
Everything is close, it’s a nice neighborhood…. That’s about it. I’m not crazy about it, really.
If you had $150 now what would you spend it on?
Do you admire anyone's style?
Addison Montgomery-Shepherd has a very classy “professional style”. In real life, I love the way Jacki dresses :)
Describe your personal style?
Eh..lately, it’s just whatever. It’s kind of classic I suppose, nothing too outrageous for me. I do like to show some cleavage, though :)
Who is someone your heart is missing right now?
my brother
Name 3 things you'd like to do, visit or see in the next year?
I MUST visit NYC this year or I will die….
Italy is also on top of the list.
And I’d like to see a broadway show.
Now the rules of this tag:
1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention (I didn’t do this because I’m lazy and non-creative at the moment. But you can if you like).
2. Tag 7 other people you would love to learn more about.
I choose:
Shauna R
Jacki (because i mentioned her. but I don't even know if she reads this...)
(I know that's not seven.... so sue me. lol)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I need a vacation from my vacation
Because I am still frazzled and trying to recover from vacation, I present you: bullet points.
- So happy Kris Allen won AI. May have jumped up and down (and squealed a little) in the car when I found out.
- Still have yet to watch the finale (especially looking forward to Jason Mraz’s performance).
- 800+ miles in 24 hours= not fun. I’m soooo over road trips for the time being.
- Incredible Pizza Company is fun. Dave and Buster’s is funner. (yes, funner.)
- Can finally send/receive pictures on my phone! Hooray!
- Having to buy new tires: sucks. Having to buy new tires while on vacation: sucks more.
- Getting a flat during a scenic drive with Steve > getting a flat while driving to Tahlequah alone.
- I ♥ Walmart. Especially the ones in Oklahoma. (Seriously. Where else can you see a naked baby with a tan riding around in a shopping cart??)
- Obsessed. Don’t really like/dislike Beyonce, but enjoyed the movie. She kicked some ass. Plus, what’s-his-name isn’t too bad to look at for an hour and a half.
- “Chicken mole is worth the wait. Not the 2-year wait, but the until-midnight wait.”
- Still feel bad for
lettingmaking Steve drive 10+ hours on the way home… - Terminator: Salvation. Pretty good. Kinda cheesy—just how I like it.
- Still trying to recoup from the 12-hour car ride back (puffy hands/face, butt tired of being sat on, still feel the need to drive 80 mph on every road)
Detailed vacation post (with pictures!) coming soon… :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Leaving Tonight*
In less than 24 hours I will be in the great state of Oklahoma. Yipee!!
Oklahoma means family, home, beautiful sunsets, brother (singular...*tear*) and sister and mom, relaxation, and did I mention time with my family? I can't wait to hit the road and be outta here for a whole week!
Thunderstorms are in the forecast for CO this evening, which I am not thrilled about driving through. But I think it should be fine.
(Of course, the second I leave CO would get a thunderstorm...)
I am also not thrilled that thunderstorms and high 80s is the forecast for Stillwater the entire time I am there! Grrr. My hair does NOT appreciate the humidity. I suspect I will look like a poodle the second I get out of the car.
It will be so nice to get some time away. I miss my family terribly, and I'm a little homesick for good ole' Stillwater. A snowcone with my sis will make my heart happy.
I'm also looking forward to spending some time with Steve's family. This will be the first time he "takes me back home" and the first time I will meet the fam as the "girlfriend". (Or as his mom likes to call me, special friend. lol) However, I am most looking forward to meeting his adorable 4-year old niece. I even have a little gift for her, just to be sure she likes me from the start. :)
It should be a great week and I plan on savoring every moment.
Oklahoma, here I come!
*Totally unrelated yet fabulous song by Jennifer Hudson and Ne-Yo. Go listen. Seriously.
Oklahoma means family, home, beautiful sunsets, brother (singular...*tear*) and sister and mom, relaxation, and did I mention time with my family? I can't wait to hit the road and be outta here for a whole week!
Thunderstorms are in the forecast for CO this evening, which I am not thrilled about driving through. But I think it should be fine.
(Of course, the second I leave CO would get a thunderstorm...)
I am also not thrilled that thunderstorms and high 80s is the forecast for Stillwater the entire time I am there! Grrr. My hair does NOT appreciate the humidity. I suspect I will look like a poodle the second I get out of the car.
It will be so nice to get some time away. I miss my family terribly, and I'm a little homesick for good ole' Stillwater. A snowcone with my sis will make my heart happy.
I'm also looking forward to spending some time with Steve's family. This will be the first time he "takes me back home" and the first time I will meet the fam as the "girlfriend". (Or as his mom likes to call me, special friend. lol) However, I am most looking forward to meeting his adorable 4-year old niece. I even have a little gift for her, just to be sure she likes me from the start. :)
It should be a great week and I plan on savoring every moment.
Oklahoma, here I come!
*Totally unrelated yet fabulous song by Jennifer Hudson and Ne-Yo. Go listen. Seriously.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Emotional Overload (aka TV spoilers ahead)
This week has been rough.
It's no secret that Iam obsessed with enjoy my tv shows. This week began season finales, which I always dread. But this season has been a little harder to handle.
Let's start at the beginning (of the week).
Monday was One Tree Hill. Although they still have one more episode next week, Monday's episode was probably the most emotional and happy and sad and frustrating and confusing episode ever. Lucas and Peyton finally got married, but you KNEW what was coming as he left to go to the garage. But that isn't the worst of it...
It has been confirmed that Hilarie Burton and Chad Michael Murray will not be returning next season.
Honestly, I can't even talk about it right now.
Moving on.
Monday also gave us the season (series?) finale of House. After that episode, I was talking about it to anyone who would listen. (Regardless if they watch the show or not, I was telling them everything!)
I still am not really sure what all happened. What I think happened, was that he turned out to have schizophrenia. Right? And if that's the case, and he actually has a mental illness, how will he be back next season???? He can't practice medicine anymore. And the whole basis of the show is about him, HOUSE, being a doctor. (Kind of like how One Tree Hill is about Lucas and Peyton and can't possibly go on without them. But I digress...) It was just crazy. Crazy and totally shocking!
Tuesday was filled with great performances by Danny Gokey, Kris Allen and that other guy. Although it seemed inevitable, nothing prepared me for saying goodbye to Danny on Wednesday night. I really didn't think he was going to win the whole thing. (Honestly, I have been rooting for Kris the entire time.) But I wanted him to at least beat out Glambert (who I absolutely cannot stand another second of. ew.)
For some reason, the mere sight of Danny (let alone hearing him sing) solicits tears that I can't control. I blame it mostly on the devastating story about his wife. Trying to imagine the pain he has gone through and then hearing him sing songs like What Hurts the Most, is more than I can take. (Btw, if you watch that video and don't cry, you surely have a heart of stone.)
That brings us to Thursday. (Which, for those of you who live in a cave, means Grey's Anatomy.)
I had heard that the 2-hour season finale would be a tear-jerker. But seriously.
I had been struggling the whole episode to come to terms with the fact that George was joining the war. (Which I'm sure had something to do with my brother joining the Air Force this week...)
But when the John Doe traced "007" into Merideth's hand, my brain put two and two together and I was crying before I knew what was happening. Truthfully, it may or may not have been one of the biggest displays-of-emotion-in-response-to-a-tv-show, ever. *Insert sheepish grin here*
But seriously. Seriously?!
I mean, I knew that he might be leaving the show. But I did not in a million years consider that he would be leaving the planet! I mean, it's George. Lovable, goofy, sweet George.
It's no secret that I'm a die-hard Mer-Der fan. But George has definitely always had a special place in my heart, that probably started when he helped Bailey deliver her baby.
He can't die. He just can't.
And now we have to wait four frickin months to get any sort of closure.
I just may have to break out the dvds this summer to try and console my breaking heart.
It's no secret that I
Let's start at the beginning (of the week).
Monday was One Tree Hill. Although they still have one more episode next week, Monday's episode was probably the most emotional and happy and sad and frustrating and confusing episode ever. Lucas and Peyton finally got married, but you KNEW what was coming as he left to go to the garage. But that isn't the worst of it...
It has been confirmed that Hilarie Burton and Chad Michael Murray will not be returning next season.
Honestly, I can't even talk about it right now.
Moving on.
Monday also gave us the season (series?) finale of House. After that episode, I was talking about it to anyone who would listen. (Regardless if they watch the show or not, I was telling them everything!)
I still am not really sure what all happened. What I think happened, was that he turned out to have schizophrenia. Right? And if that's the case, and he actually has a mental illness, how will he be back next season???? He can't practice medicine anymore. And the whole basis of the show is about him, HOUSE, being a doctor. (Kind of like how One Tree Hill is about Lucas and Peyton and can't possibly go on without them. But I digress...) It was just crazy. Crazy and totally shocking!
Tuesday was filled with great performances by Danny Gokey, Kris Allen and that other guy. Although it seemed inevitable, nothing prepared me for saying goodbye to Danny on Wednesday night. I really didn't think he was going to win the whole thing. (Honestly, I have been rooting for Kris the entire time.) But I wanted him to at least beat out Glambert (who I absolutely cannot stand another second of. ew.)
For some reason, the mere sight of Danny (let alone hearing him sing) solicits tears that I can't control. I blame it mostly on the devastating story about his wife. Trying to imagine the pain he has gone through and then hearing him sing songs like What Hurts the Most, is more than I can take. (Btw, if you watch that video and don't cry, you surely have a heart of stone.)
That brings us to Thursday. (Which, for those of you who live in a cave, means Grey's Anatomy.)
I had heard that the 2-hour season finale would be a tear-jerker. But seriously.
I had been struggling the whole episode to come to terms with the fact that George was joining the war. (Which I'm sure had something to do with my brother joining the Air Force this week...)
But when the John Doe traced "007" into Merideth's hand, my brain put two and two together and I was crying before I knew what was happening. Truthfully, it may or may not have been one of the biggest displays-of-emotion-in-response-to-a-tv-show, ever. *Insert sheepish grin here*
But seriously. Seriously?!
I mean, I knew that he might be leaving the show. But I did not in a million years consider that he would be leaving the planet! I mean, it's George. Lovable, goofy, sweet George.
It's no secret that I'm a die-hard Mer-Der fan. But George has definitely always had a special place in my heart, that probably started when he helped Bailey deliver her baby.
He can't die. He just can't.
And now we have to wait four frickin months to get any sort of closure.
I just may have to break out the dvds this summer to try and console my breaking heart.
Monday, May 11, 2009
my weekend (ramblings)
- Steve had a "concert" with a band he's been practicing with (as a favor to a friend). Except he doesn't tell anyone about it because they are not good. It was a long night of gross beer, being overcrowded by Boulderites with hairy armpits and dodging the hippie dancers in a hot warehouse. Good times.
- skipped the garage sales and slept in until 11. Ran some errands, had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes (yum), and watched the end of the Nuggets game. (yay casual days!)
- got this sweater on sale:
I love it and I want to wear it every day (which has actually happened so far...)
- went with Steve to run sound for a gig for his friends, 20:12. It actually turned out to be a high school prom (HAHA). It was fun, even though I got mistaken for a student 3 times...
- went to the 11:00 service at True Light Baptist Church. It was quite the experience. We were the only ones there who, a.) were wearing jeans and b.) not African American. To make it even better, we were there on "Church Hat Sunday" and all the ladies were wearing their 'crowns'. It was fabulous. Needless to say, we stuck out like a sore thumb. However, we were warmly welcomed and really enjoyed it. We may even go back again--once we get back from vacation.
- had a wonderful "southern" lunch of Popeye's chicken. So delicious. Watched The Other Boelyn Girl (can we say 'drama'!?) and took a much-needed nap (we were cranky).
- caught up on some tv from last week (One Tree Hill and Grey's). Um, talk about tears?!
- called my mama and wished her a Happy Mother's Day
- cried my eyes out (again) over my brother leaving for the Air Force today
- stayed up way too late watching American Dad and Family Guy
It was probably the best weekend I've had in a long time. So relaxing. Plus, I just love spending time with Steve, even if we're doing nothing.
On another note, I can't believe Brandon is leaving today and that he won't be there when I visit next week. But I know this is going to be a good thing for him and he's going to do great. I can't help worrying, but I am proud of him!

Oh yes...during my last conversation with Brandon this morning, Steve interjected,
"Tell him I'll take him out to dinner if he finds Osama."
Brandon (and I) cracked up laughing. (Which was perfect timing because I was just starting to cry...)
So here's to Monday and hoping that the next 10 days go quickly. I can't wait for vacation!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Is it wrong to think Spock is hot?
Okay, I'm not really talking about Spock. I'm talking about the actor that plays him in the new Star Trek movie: Zachary Quinto
See?? Hottie!! (Trust me, he looked nothing like this in the movie. I had no idea he was this gorgeous underneath those pointy Vulcan ears!)
But did you know...there is a large group that really does think Spock is sexy.
Anyway, go see the movie. Even if you're not a huge Star Trek nerd, it's actually pretty good!!

But did you know...there is a large group that really does think Spock is sexy.
Anyway, go see the movie. Even if you're not a huge Star Trek nerd, it's actually pretty good!!
Joe Who?
I'm a little bit ashamed to admit this, but the other night I had a dream about the Jonas Brothers. Joe Jonas, specifically.
The really strange thing about this is that #1-I've never heard a Jonas Brothers song in my life, and #2- I have NO idea which one is "Joe".
(There really is a Joe, right? I couldn't name them all if my life depended on it...)
Why is my subconcious pretending to be an 11 year old girl?!
Just for the record, I DO NOT love the Jonas Brothers. Ok? Ok.
(p.s. You can go here if you actually do love Joe.)
The really strange thing about this is that #1-I've never heard a Jonas Brothers song in my life, and #2- I have NO idea which one is "Joe".
(There really is a Joe, right? I couldn't name them all if my life depended on it...)
Why is my subconcious pretending to be an 11 year old girl?!
Just for the record, I DO NOT love the Jonas Brothers. Ok? Ok.
(p.s. You can go here if you actually do love Joe.)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
i want to freakin go home already!!
that's all.
ok, not really. But seriously, hasn't this day gone on long enough already?!
I was trying to be all cheerful and in a good mood today because we had a potluck and we got to wear jeans today (Go Nuggets!). But come on. Enough is enough!
This work day needs to be over and 4:30 is not coming fast enough.
on a more positive note:
how freakin adorable is he?!?!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
lights out
We had a power outage at work about 45 minutes ago. Fun!! The sad part is that two years ago, they built a huge diesel generator for this exact situation, so we still had to (half) work. :(
But...it was still a little bit of excitement!
And now it's almost time to go home. hooray!

But...it was still a little bit of excitement!
And now it's almost time to go home. hooray!
¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

time for some margaritas
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